Saturday 28 June 2014

How to Study at Night ;)

 Hola guys! Its Saturday and I am back with another article. So lately I had my examinations and I really got great marks! Everyone was happy and i guess all my hard work was played off just by the expression on the face of the people I love. Anyways today I am going to give away my secrets to study at night. So all those night owls out here – Here are great tips for you all.

             1)  Make a target –

          Night studying can be difficult but you need to have determination . Make a target of how much portion you want to complete tonight. Make sure you are not planning to be awake the whole night if you have your examination the next day This will not only be useless but you won’t even be able concentrate on your paper  So make a target of how much you want over till you go to sleep. This will help you stay awake have a goal for the night and even help you finish the important stuff first.

    2 )      Important stuff first 

       Now that you have decided your goal . You should make sure you will finish the most important chapters first. This is because it will keep your mind focused because you know what your studying is important it will even keep you atleast ready with the most important things for the examination.  You can do the easier or the intresting things later because once you are tiered and you catch you eyes just closing and your head falling down . You know then that the important things are over and this is the part you love studying . You will try keeping yourself awake.

  3 )      Keep your eyes open 

         Many things can be done to just keep your eyes open . Personally coffee has helped me a lot. Coffee has  caffeine and -

Caffeine works by changing the chemistry of the brain. It blocks the action of a natural brain chemical that is associated with sleep. “ -

              Make sure you don’t have too much off caffeine cause its obliviously not healthy and will make you too sleepy later. Just one cup of coffee should be enough. You can even try listening to rock music or just some fast paced music or even start chewing a gum.  
                 The other thing that helped me was water Yes water! When you catch yourself dozing off just go to the sink and wash your face. Make sure there is a little(Very little) water entering your eyes (it helps) Or you can even drink cold water to give you a little chill.Even try drinking lots of water .If  nothing works then do a little exercise just jump a bit or jog around your room or just start dancing. Basically, Get that heart pumping. It does keep you awake for a while.

 If none of the above works then you  should go take a shower. I know you are thinking I have gone nuts but honestly it helped me! It just kinda refreshes you and makes your mind work again. I am not telling you to go and take a shower for half an hour just a quick shower. It even gives your mind a break from studying. 

  4)      Focus 

      Shake your head and try to focus. You need this to be done! Focus on your studies. Don’t let you mind go towards knowing what time it is or how much more is left. Just try and complete what you have to complete.  Think about how you will feel once its over and how stressed you will be if it’s not over. Think that what you are studying is what will be there on the question paper tomorrow. Keep telling yourself you have only a little left and you can sleep once its over. That if you have this learnt properly then you have certain marks reserved for yourself. It’s all up to you how you manipulate your mind in to studying . I am sure you will make it!

    5 )      Enough sleep 

             Make sure you have enough sleep if you have an important examination the next day and you need your mind to be alert. Therefore make sure you have enough sleep before going into the examination hall. Have confidence in yourself you will do great if you have worked really hard for the examination . Its not even practical to do all nighters   during exams because you will have other subjects to study for and you do not want to top in one subject and fail in another. So try and make all your subjects your favorite subjects and study all of them equally passionately.

Psst i have something to tell you guys . Do check out the blog on Tuesday to know about it. Do tell me your experience if you have or will try any of these!  If you have a different way to keep yourself up during the night then please tell me about it!
Till Tuesday then – Byee!

1 comment:

  1. wow i just love your tricks and i will try dancing tricks when i will start to fall in sleep and thank u so much
