Saturday 28 June 2014

How to Study at Night ;)

 Hola guys! Its Saturday and I am back with another article. So lately I had my examinations and I really got great marks! Everyone was happy and i guess all my hard work was played off just by the expression on the face of the people I love. Anyways today I am going to give away my secrets to study at night. So all those night owls out here – Here are great tips for you all.

             1)  Make a target –

          Night studying can be difficult but you need to have determination . Make a target of how much portion you want to complete tonight. Make sure you are not planning to be awake the whole night if you have your examination the next day This will not only be useless but you won’t even be able concentrate on your paper  So make a target of how much you want over till you go to sleep. This will help you stay awake have a goal for the night and even help you finish the important stuff first.

    2 )      Important stuff first 

       Now that you have decided your goal . You should make sure you will finish the most important chapters first. This is because it will keep your mind focused because you know what your studying is important it will even keep you atleast ready with the most important things for the examination.  You can do the easier or the intresting things later because once you are tiered and you catch you eyes just closing and your head falling down . You know then that the important things are over and this is the part you love studying . You will try keeping yourself awake.

  3 )      Keep your eyes open 

         Many things can be done to just keep your eyes open . Personally coffee has helped me a lot. Coffee has  caffeine and -

Caffeine works by changing the chemistry of the brain. It blocks the action of a natural brain chemical that is associated with sleep. “ -

              Make sure you don’t have too much off caffeine cause its obliviously not healthy and will make you too sleepy later. Just one cup of coffee should be enough. You can even try listening to rock music or just some fast paced music or even start chewing a gum.  
                 The other thing that helped me was water Yes water! When you catch yourself dozing off just go to the sink and wash your face. Make sure there is a little(Very little) water entering your eyes (it helps) Or you can even drink cold water to give you a little chill.Even try drinking lots of water .If  nothing works then do a little exercise just jump a bit or jog around your room or just start dancing. Basically, Get that heart pumping. It does keep you awake for a while.

 If none of the above works then you  should go take a shower. I know you are thinking I have gone nuts but honestly it helped me! It just kinda refreshes you and makes your mind work again. I am not telling you to go and take a shower for half an hour just a quick shower. It even gives your mind a break from studying. 

  4)      Focus 

      Shake your head and try to focus. You need this to be done! Focus on your studies. Don’t let you mind go towards knowing what time it is or how much more is left. Just try and complete what you have to complete.  Think about how you will feel once its over and how stressed you will be if it’s not over. Think that what you are studying is what will be there on the question paper tomorrow. Keep telling yourself you have only a little left and you can sleep once its over. That if you have this learnt properly then you have certain marks reserved for yourself. It’s all up to you how you manipulate your mind in to studying . I am sure you will make it!

    5 )      Enough sleep 

             Make sure you have enough sleep if you have an important examination the next day and you need your mind to be alert. Therefore make sure you have enough sleep before going into the examination hall. Have confidence in yourself you will do great if you have worked really hard for the examination . Its not even practical to do all nighters   during exams because you will have other subjects to study for and you do not want to top in one subject and fail in another. So try and make all your subjects your favorite subjects and study all of them equally passionately.

Psst i have something to tell you guys . Do check out the blog on Tuesday to know about it. Do tell me your experience if you have or will try any of these!  If you have a different way to keep yourself up during the night then please tell me about it!
Till Tuesday then – Byee!

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Ten things to Make you fall in Love with your Car!

Your car is not just a machine to make you reach at a destination.I is an intelligent technology. Just adding a few stuff will make you feel like your inside an expensive car  that looks like your car from outside :P.Just a few stuff will make you fall in love with your own car all over again :)  You can impress the person you are just dropping somewhere or even make yourself comfortable and proud of the car you own. Here is a list of things that will add on to you beautiful car :

  1.      1)Steering Wheel cover -  First , Add some cover to your steering    wheel  which makes your grip stronger and adds some personal touch   over there. Something that either looks edgy or just makes you smile.    This can even be a great way to start your day. Looking at something       soo lovely. Check out the link below for a DIY of steering wheel cover. 

2)Windows –    Add some beautiful curtains to those windows . It'll not only make you feel like a VIP but you'll also be safe from the sun during the summer and it will even keep from others looking into your car. You may even even make your windows soundproof to keep the horrible horns and the other traffic sounds away from you. You can now relax inside your car while others get frustrated about the heat and sounds of the traffic.Bliss.     

3) A High Quality DVD Player -  A high quality DVD player never goes waste. Listen to peaceful songs inside your car or play rock music its up to you. You can even tune in to your favourite radio station and if the speakers or really strong you just play music from your car and the party starts!

4) Carpets - A fur carpet will just add on to your car like never before.the softness of it If really tiered you can just remove you shoes and feel the softness of the fur. Yet fur is expensive and  may get dirty real soon. You can however add any carpet you like, there is a variety to choose from .Carpets even give an edge to the car.Its your choice anyway. 

5) A Little Personal Touch – Some hangings or something . You can get Soft seat covers or you can use leather but personally I don’t like leather  - change the seat cover or dry clean it .Just do some stuff here and there. You can keep 4-5 magazines you like in your car to help you relax a bit after a hectic day.

6) A Trash Can – A mini one like a small black thing.Not throwing trash outside the car but instead throwing it in a portable dustbin is way more sophisticated and it even saves you from the fine you may have to pay for making your city dirty.

7) Outlets that allow you to charge your cell phones or other gadgets you might need -  These are great for emergencies and even when you have to reach somewhere and just rush over to some place. These even look great and are a great impression on a  visitor of your car who desperately needs to re-charge their phone.You can relax while your cell phone gets ready to accompany you through out the day.Is not that great ?

8) A GPS system - Okay these may be a little expensive but the ones which really talk back to you are great for a drive as you don’t have to stop and keep asking people about where to go or check the maps on your cell.These even tell you how much traffic there is on the road you are taking. In case your the one driving these will help you find the road for an unknown destination. A meeting to rush to? Don't know where it is? Here is your GPS to help you out . Thank me later :)

 9) Air freshener - Who likes a smelly car? No one! Good fragrances makes everyone light and you too will feel great after a big day. You should keep changing the type of fragrance once one bottle or pack gets over. It’ll keep you refreshed and would even make you feel amazing. We tend to get used to a single fragrance and it wont have the effect that it needs to have (except the fact the your car wont smell) A good-looking bottle will just do the trick.

10) Others -You can even invest in some cool stuff like mini fridge in case you just like cold-drinks cool, A heated travel Mug ,A mini television at the back of your seat or even a feet massager in your own car. It’s normally for long trips but who doesn’t like a great massage before a heated meeting?

If you have any of these or want to buy them let me know by commenting below.Even if you have a request for a post I d love to hear from you. I’ll be posting on Saturday till then Byee! 

Steering wheel image credits -image credits -
 Car carpet image credits - 

Saturday 21 June 2014

How to make Your closet Perfect for Your bedroom :) (Diy)

Does your closet not at all fit in to the theme of your room? Are you thinking of selling off your cupboard just because it does not suit your room? Think again. Cause here I am to help you out :)

                       So ,Now that you have decided to make your closet door look a little different then you can start off by deciding whether you want to paint your closet or just use some cloth to cover it up , paint a design or just want the whole closet the same colour.If you want to cover it up with cloth you can just get the cloth and stick the edges of the cloth to the top most inner part of the closet door. to prevent it from flying off stick even the below edges of the cloth and here your done here :D

                      If your just painting your whole closet doors then you may want to cover all the doorknobs and other hard wares (here too either take them out by loosening the hinges or just tape them out and try not to get the paint over there.)  And even select the colour you would be painting the closet in before hand and make sure you have plenty amount of it to last for your whole closet.You should take a thick brush and make gentle stokes downwards. Let it dry for some time then you can add another coat of paint if you like or you can even put on some tape and make different design of that too. Like stripes or zig-zag or something and Ta-Da you'll have your masterpiece ready!

Next , in case you have decided to make a design on the door of a closet then you need to practise the design you have chosen several times on paper before carrying forward.This is the design I chose for my cupboard. If you want you can use this one for yours too.

        When you are happy with the flow of design then you can go further Leave a little space where you need to , In case you do not wanna cover some writting or something just make sure you leave the space in your drawing too.I decided i will make a black outline of the design and then touch it up with a little colour on the final painting therefore I did the same on my drawing.

             If your doing a design then you should decide the colour you want of your design you can even keep it black but I always like a splash of colour the choice is yours.Make sure you have the same paints of the colours you use in the drawings. If not you can always search the web about how to create different paints from the basic ones. (Psst it feels like brewing a potion *A little extra and the it is destroyed* ).This is the final colours I choose after making sure I had all the "ingredients"  I needed to make the the perfect "potion"
 : P

Before starting to draw on your surface make sure you have your surface clean.give it a gentle swipe with water and some soap now take a dry towel or a cloth and make sure that the surface is dry and not watery before you start drawing.

Then comes the Main job! Painting!! Now be sure you have a lot off painting skill before going forth and directly painting on to the surface without any guidance but if your like me who just wakes up in the middle of the night feeling an urge to paint then maybe you should first just try out your hand at drawing at the closet. Take a pencil and try and make the design you decided on the door you want to paint . Its okay even if your drawing goes wrong you can always use an eraser to be clean. So when your happy with your design on the closet you can take out those paints and start getting messy! This is the way I had my design on my closet door.

So now everything is ready? Right! Lets get painting! if you want to out line the drawing first with black like i did then you gotta paint the whole design black first and then add some colours to it. You can even skip the black part and just make the whole thing colourful (I was gonna do that but this way it looks a lot better).Its okay if you make a few mistakes because you can either wipe it off with some water and a cloth or just add colour to that place.So here is how my black design looked like.
           Now you can either just leave the design like this or add some colours. Its totally up to you. Once our done with the main part just need to go on to the fun part.Take your paints and either fill in colour. Do not make you paints before starting because they will dry out. So it will take some time too fill in colour but here is my final look. Hope you like it.


Pretty right? Do tell me if you liked this or not and if you would like to see more DIYs or tutorials.I ll be more than happy to get them to you.Okay then meet you on Tuesday :) Byee!

Tuesday 17 June 2014

5 Things to not Gift on Sweet Sixteens

Heyaa!Well this will be my first actual post and I felt that millions of people would tell you what to gift your daughter or your friend on their sixteenth birthday but ill try to list out those things that maybe the birthday girl would not enjoy owning as much. Its just basic things that you should keep in mind while gifting on sweet sixteen. Basicly it depends from girl to girl whether what she would prefer however the most basic one are here :

1} Money - Okay this may sound funny but its here sixteenth birthday here and she maybe expecting something from you something she can treasure for a long time (obviously if you close are to her otherwise money is cool ) and will be able to cherish throughout her life. Just some amount of money wont be a great idea to gift to her cause it would be used in no time. She wont have that money for a long time and however a nicely wrapped gift will be more valued than money in an envelope.Getting a proper gift is a big task it means that you had put in the efforts to get her a gift.

2) Clothes - Again if your really close to her like a parent or a best friend or someone else only then will you know about the size of clothes that fit the girl but again if your close then obviously expecting something rare and different from you is not wrong.Its her sweet sixteen!
                    But if you aren't someone who is rather really close to her or among her best people you may be invited to the party or may be wanting to gift her something.Here too clothes is a bad idea because Firstly, you'll have to know her size (Never call up a girl and ask her the size of clothes that fit her. Never!) and Secondly , you need to know her taste whether she likes that new fashion or she already has that kind of top.You may be lost.

3) Things she already has - This takes us to those things she already owns. I know this is the most obvious tip but you really need to be sure that what you are gifting her is not something she already has.this will make her appreciate your efforts but wont be a real use to her anyway. To avoid this you can make an extra effort and call up her parents to ask whether she has what you want to gift her. This will clear up the idea and make sure you have a great gift for the new sixteen year old .

4) Something she would rather Not have - I know you cannot take her to the shop and ask her what she wants  (well you can if your her parents Psstt Parents can do anything!) but you can always  make sure what you get her is something good enough for a sixteen year old to use. Not a play set or a magic box or something that wont come in use to her. There are girls however who would love to have a huge teddy bear for birthday but here if your her parents you need to make sure she starts becoming practical and understand a huge pink teddy bear is not good for her any more and that she needs to grow up. Similarly if the birthday girl has no interest in books don't get her a dozen of books for her to read and even if she likes reading it is not necessary that she will like the book you get her.

5) Cards or bouquets  -  Cards? Seriously? she is sixteen not two!.No matter how emotional the teenager is just a card wont do the trick.Well it is different if you have something being given with it then a lovely card is a good add on but just a card wont be good enough. On the other hand flowers are loved by girls but a bouquet may not be the a proper gift. The flowers will be gone sooner or later and so will the memory of the gift.Bouquets are great to give a girl who is really famine and rather mature. 

 I know gifting the perfect gift to your loved ones is always difficult and gifting to a girl on her big day maybe more difficult than you expected but it is not rocket science. You can give her a book she has been wanting for a long time or a a bag/purse for her college or even an imported cream or perfume. If you have a huge budget then you can even get her an E-book / Ipad they are really useful and any girl for sure would take out some use for them.If you are still confused then you can get her a beautiful watch she will appreciate it nevertheless.A watch that will be delicate and a little different from the most common ones. A good looking watch will be worn by any girl with pride.
            You may even ask her parents for what she has been asking for a long time and if it fits you , you may gift her that or you can even ask the birthday girl directly what she wants and if she is free with you, you may not have the problem of choosing a gift and wont even run the risk of her liking the gift or not. What do you think about the big Sweet sixteen ? What would you want to get as a gift ? Do let me know about your views :D

Saturday 14 June 2014


Heyy! Basically I really love writing stuff like essays n articles. So Ill be helping you with your busy life with some life hacks or beauty hacks or I don't know soo much in my head!So here I am {Drum roll!} Presenting to you my own blog. I'll be posting twice a week and will try my best to be on time. Will be posting about simple ways to be alive ;P Just kidding. Basically will be teaching all you girls out there to love yourselves and to feel comfortable in your own skin but obviously it'll take some time . I am sure you guys will hang in with me and support me through out the journey. I know I sound dramatic but I guess I kind of am dramatic. So Yeah basically this should be it.Ill be posting on Saturday and Tuesday . Soo Bye guys!